Kinji Kimura's web page
The number of terms in general formula of the disciriminant(degree 17)
G17=a17*x^17 + a16*x^16 + a15*x^15 + a14*x^14 + a13*x^13 + a12*x^12 + a11*x^11 + a10*x^10 + a9*x^9 + a8*x^8 + a7*x^7 + a6*x^6 + a5*x^5 + a4*x^4 + a3*x^3 + a2*x^2 + a1*x + a0
is 21976689397!

LAPROGNC(Linear Algebra PROGrams in Numerical Computation)

LAPROGCA(Linear Algebra PROGrams in Computer Algebra)

SDC sample data

Computing the resultant of the polynomial obtained by Prof. Tetsuji Shioda(Rikkyo Univ.)

General formula of the disciriminant
G15=x^15 + x^14 + a13*x^13 + a12*x^12 + a11*x^11 + a10*x^10 + a9*x^9 + a8*x^8 + a7*x^7 + a6*x^6 + a5*x^5 + a4*x^4 + a3*x^3 + a2*x^2 + a1*x + a0

Computing the general discriminant formula of degree 17

Accelerating the Numerical Computation of Positive Roots of Polynomials using Improved Bounds

A new implementation of the dqds algorithm