function that makes input file of kimura_res from Computer Algebra Risa/Asir:TYPE I
The upper bounds of the degree are based on simply one

example of making input file of kimura_res to calculate the ninth discriminant by using asir2bin_res_simple.rr

execution code for computing resultant, serial, x86_64
./kimura_res [input file] [output file]

execution code for computing resultant, parallel, x86_64
./kimura_res_p [control parameter for parallel computation:1] [control parameter for parallel computation:2] [input file] [output file]

Usually, we choose, [control parameter for parallel computation:1,2]=3

execution code for computing resultant, serial, x86_64 with companion technique
./kimura_res_companion [input file] [output file]

execution code for computing resultant, parallel, x86_64 with companion technique
./kimura_res_p_companion [control parameter for parallel computation:1] [control parameter for parallel computation:2] [input file] [output file]

Usually, we choose, [control parameter for parallel computation:1,2]=3